Compensation Plan

Infinity Downline
Can Make You Insane Amounts of Money!

Discover The Income Potential That Is Literally At Your Finger Tips This Very Moment By Using Our Team's Exclusive Training and Resource Sites
  • Break even with one referral. You get the $25 back instantly with your first person.
  • Instant pay! All members pay each other directly. No going through the company.
  • Compounding income via the reverse 2 Up.
  • 100% pure net pay with incredible products.
  • Residual income by getting paid $25 every 30 days from all members on your payline.
Did you catch that last bullet point? Residual income. That’s the key. No more do you have to work and work and work and each month just to start all over again. How do you think that company’s like Time Warner, Verizon, AT&T and all the other company’s that make a fortune do it? They bill you every month. Residual income. You build it once and keep adding to it.

Infinity Downline realized this years ago and have set the ID system up for you to capitalize on it. They made it available for the masses. Imagine getting 20 members a month. That’s $500 this month. Then get 20 the second month. That’s $500 right? WRONG! That’s $1000 this month. Don’t forget about the first month. Then build some more. Get 20 more during the third month. That’s $500 right. Ah Ha! I can’t trick you. Now you are getting it. It’s $1500!

Let’s take a look at it in simpler terms. We are not going to add in the monthly residual just keep it as easy as possible.

The Power of 4

Let’s say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates…

Week 1 
You get your 4, you pass 2 of them upline.
You keep 2. So 2 X $25 = $50

Week 2 
Your 2 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $25 = $100
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 3 
Your 4 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 8.
So 8 X $25 = $200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 4 
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $25 = $400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 5 
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $25 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $25 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Let’s skip to week 10…

Week 10
Your 512 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024. 
So 1024 X $25 = $25,600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Add in the monthly recurring billing and in 10 weeks you have

a monthly recurring income that is staggering!

Not bad for a $25 program. The potential income is staggering!
Obviously, this is a perfect world scenario and incomes will vary with the time and effort of every member. But, what if you did even 10% of that? It could change your life!

The above sample is if everyone brought in 4 people their first week and no more. What if you sponsored more than 4 people? Many people bring in dozens, even hundreds of people. WOW!!!

It’s the power of 100% NET that is paid member to member.


I think you get the point. You are talking an easy 5 figure monthly recurring income in no time.

Maybe you can’t imagine that type of income. What if you only achieved 10% of that. Not bad over 2 1/2 months.

Infinity Downline has a VERY HIGH retention rate too. Here’s why…
The product will continually be added to and updated. Think about this too… I mentioned before that you break even with just one person. If your members have at least one active person in their group, they break even so why would they leave? The members are locked in. If someone is at a break even and probably a positive cash flow, chances are very high that they will stay on board and pay you $25.

Your income will compound. Here’s why…
The reverse 2 Up System will multiply the $25 payments by geometric progression. How? The 2nd and 4th referrals of every member roll up to their sponsor as a training bonus thus increasing your income. This happens over and over for these people as each in turn continue to roll up 2 for every one person you sponsor. Just one referral can easily multiply to dozens of people in no time each sending you $25 every month. *Watch the compensation plan video above to get a visual detailed idea of how this works.

If you have any questions feel free to email us at:
InfinityCashNet [at]